1938 Boy
Scouts of America, Troop 49, Cast of Old Time Minstrels: Proceeds of Minstrel Show were used to send Boy Scouts to camp and to purchase troop and camp equipment. Chairman Art Senn, Director Clarence Olson, Stage Manager Arch Wines, Musical Director Lenora Matheny, Interlocutor Fred Millett, End Men H.J. Richards, Charles Hafner, E.J. Maloy, Jack Decker, Art Senn, R.V. Matheny, Clare Anderson, W.E. Gottner. Soloists were Ray Matheny, Fred Reece, Charles Senn, Harry Witaker, J.T. Romens, Phil Ryan, Elmer Rasmussen, Bobby Wines. The Chorus: Clayton Kennedy, John Katzenbarger, M.K. Mathern, C.R. Bair, Vernon Payne, Bill Gottner, Dick Wines, Floyd Desch, Dick Rasmussen, Ray Ries, R.E. Payne, Daral Hoffman, Don Anderson, Floyd Frink, Bill Sheehan, Joe Richards, Bill Wines, Ivan Franklin, Henry McMichael, George Fehn, Frank Glas, James Rasmussen. Hula Dancer; Jeanne Anderson. |
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