All Saints
Building photos
The beginning church (a rented store front):
October, 1914: 3914 6th Avenue
 Second church home:
Father O'Neill's home: 3620 4th Street
 Rectory acquired for $3,500. in 1918.
3417 3rd Street
All Saints School; 1925 until 1936 before first new addition was added
Des Moines Register & Tribune: 1936
$50,000 Program is Planned at Parish
A $50,000 building program for All Saints Parish in Highland Park was announced Saturday by the Rev. James C. Maher, pastor of All Saints Catholic Church, Third Street and Ovid Avenue.

A steam shovel and trucks will begin work Monday on the site oa a new fireproof parochial school building, directly in front of the present school building, to which it will be connected.

The present church building will be enlarged by an addition to the east. The exterior will be overcoated with brick veneer to harmonize with the new school building and a new fire resistant roof built.

New Ceiling
A new vaulted ceiling, a new choir loft permitting pew space below, and redocoration of the entire church building are included in the plans. The school will be 62 feet square and will contain seven class rooms, wash rooms, lockers and supply closets.

The basement, with a 9 foot 6 inch ceiling and floor space 50 feet square will provide room for general assemblies and contain a kitchen equipped with steam tables. It will be three times the size of the old assembly room.

Brick Facing
Exterior walls of the school building will be of masonry faced with brick. Steel columns and beams will be used, with floor construction of steel bar joist under concrete slab. Finished flooring will be asphalt tile or battleship linoleum.

Steel sash is to be used for maximum light and ventilation. Stairways will be of reinforced concrete with iron railings.

A new heating plant will be installed in the present boiler room to supply heat to both the school and church buildings. Ralpsh E. Sqwyer is the architect, J.G. Feh the contractor and buuilder, and E.J. Heger the heating and plumbing contractor.
Oct. 18, 1936: All Saints School, first building addition. Dedicated by Bishop Gerald T. Bergan.
The Principal would ring the recess bell from
the front entrance landing.
1955: Second addition to school was the second story.
2014: All Saints School, both old in rear and new.
Notice a second floor was added (before 1958).
Church on corner beyond new school.
1989: All Saints Church; 3rd and Ovid Streets 1989: Interior of All Saints Church
Former All Saints Parish; 3rd and Ovid Former All Saints Parish; 3rd and Ovid
3415 3rd Street
Former All Saints School 09/02/13
2014: Present rectory at 3509 3rd Street
Built in Fall, 1976
 Purchased 1963: Convent at 3320 3rd Street
Purchased 1963
650 NE 52nd Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50313 2013: All Saints Parish; 650 NE 52nd Avenue
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