Class of 1941
First Communion; May, 1934
Photo: compliments of Therese Marie Lydon Nielsen
(All Saints School at right)
(names of deceased in bold blue font)
First Communion; May, 1934
1st Row (seated): X, X, Ruth Anderson, Mary Lou Ries, X, X, X
2nd Row (first row standing): Jim Smith, Donald D. Mitchell, Patty Boatwright, X, X, X, Phyllis Davitt, X, X, John Henry Nemmers, Laurence J. "Jim" McMichael
3rd Row (second row standing): (angel on left is Therese Marie Lydon) (angel on right is Mary Ann Rasmussen)
4th Row (back row): Father James Cronin Maher, Joe Kaskie, Dick Smith or Donald W. Gottner?, Richard C. Smith?, John R. Rasmussen, Jim Powers, Jimmie Finnerty, Bob Galloway, X, X, John McGuire, X, Bill Volz, X, Sister Victoria or Sister Emela
Note: Can you locate Thomas Walter Fries and William Fitzgerald in this picture?
First Communion; May, 1934/Girls
First Communion; May, 1934/Girls
1st Row (seated): X, X, Ruth Anderson, Mary Lou Ries, X, X, X
2nd Row Patty Boatwright, Therese Lydon, X, X, X, X, X, X, Mary Ann Rasmussen, X
3rd Row Father James Cronin Maher
6th or 7th grade with another grade (Abt 1939-40)
Photo: compliments of "Red" Evelyn Imes Giudicessi
6th or 7th grade with another grade (abt 1939-40)
1st Row X, Patty Davitt?, Donald Gottner, Jim McMichael, X, Fred Aiken, Maurice Northup, Dick Smith
2nd Row Ruth Anderson, Lois Wieland?, Red (Evelyn) Imes, X, Mary Lou Ries, X, X,Therese Lydon or Jeanne Anderson?, Patty Boatwright?
3rd Row Sister?, Larry Hardy, Bill Volz, Tom Fries, John Graf, Ralph Brommel, Dick Rasmussen
4th Row Girls: X, Rosalie Hafner, X, X,Mary Ann Fehn, Colleen Wood?, X, Theresa Gary
5th Row Boys: L Mead, X, Dan Boatwright, Bill Fitzgerald, Jim Sheehan, Joe Kaskie, John Brommel, John Feeley
Possibilities: Rosalie Hafner, Evelyn Imes, Gertrude Claire Boatwright, Phyllis Boatwright, Mary Lou Ries, Jim McMichael, Ruth Anderson, Mary Woods, William Fitzgerald, Thomas Walter Fries
One grade ahead: Maurice Northup, Lois?, Richard C. Smith?
8th Grade Boys in 1941
8th Grade Boys in 1941
1st Row names: Fred Aiken, Richard C. Smith, James Vincent Meng, Donald Hay, John Graf, Thomas Walter Fries
2nd Row names: Donald Gottner, William Volz, Lawrence Jim McMichael, Harry Frakes, Ralph Brommel, John Brommel, William Fitzgerald
8th Grade Girls in 1941
8th Grade Girls in 1941
1st Row Evelyn Imes, Betty Schneider, girl, Mary Lou Ries, Jeanne Anderson, Ruth Anderson, girl
2nd Row Theresa Gary, Colleen Wood, Maryann Fehn, girl, Rosalie Hafner?, girl
Confirmation: May 18, 1941
Confirmation: May 18, 1941
Bishop Bergan officiating.
1st Row names
2nd Row names
3rd Row names
4th Row names
Register of Confirmations - May 18, 1941
Most Reverend Gerald T. Bergan/77 confirmed
(yellow=deceased; years in green indicate individual did not graduate from All Saints)
Yr Name Confirmation
Sponsor Yr Name Confirmation
43 Aiken, Elizabeth
(Betty Jane)
Agnes Arline Logan 43 Holland, Richard Joseph W. Boatwright
41 Aiken, Fred Joseph Junior Lydon 41 Imes, Evelyn Marie Miss Borden
41 Anderson, Ruth Victoria Mrs. Waldo Gottner
Johnson, Mary Jean Mary Van Nordstand
Anderson, Jeanne Mary Mrs. J. Burke
Knight, Jean Marie Patricia Knight
43 Atha, James Darrell Michael Thomas Croak
Kohn, Mary Anne Catherine Iva Didier
43 Boatwright, James Francis Joseph Elmer Holland 43 Lydon, Therese Marie Anne Olive Vaughn
41 Boatwright, Madonna Patricia Anne Gertrude Boatwright 42 Maloy, Mary Catherine Frances Catherine Caulfield
43 Brewer, Margaret Ann Catherine Rachael Davitt
Martuello, Zoe Margaret x
Brice, Daniel Michael John Damiani 43 Maskrey, Patricia Anne Rose Kuhn
Brice, John Paul F. Damiani 43 McGlynn, Gerald Michael Richard Bowes
41 Brommel, John Edward Bernard John McElwee 43 McMichael Dolores Irene Catherine Mildred Yochum
41 Brommel, Ralph Francis Tarcisius Mr. Senn 41 McMichael, Lawrence J. James W. Nemmers
43 Burken, Mary Jane Frances Margaret Burken 41 Meng, James Vincent Augustine John Herwehe
Burnstein, Miriam Frances x 41 Meng, Mary Anne Eleanor Mrs. A. Herwehe
Campbell, Joseph Michael F. Flynn 43 Miller, Margaret Ruth Anna Marjorie McGlynn
42 Condon, Mary Marge Marjorie Mary Condon 42 Mitchell, Donald Dean John Sam Staly
Daley, Thomas Patrick F. Herwehe 43 Northup, John (Jack) Joseph Jene Melone
42 Davitt, Joan Marie Dorothy Davitt 43 O'Brien, Colleen Mary R. Tazioli
41 Davitt, Phyllis Katherine Helen Brewer
O'Connor, Charles John x
De Mar, Robert Francis x
O'Reilly, John Joseph x
Feeley, John Thomas Michael x 43 Pearson, Mary Margaret Ellen Mrs. M. Hoover
42 Feeley, Mary Ciline Marcella Feeley
Proudfit, Floyd William x
41 Fehn, Mary Anne Elizabeth Mrs. C. Smith
Reese, Thomas Michael James Reese
41 Fitzgerald, William Paul W. Gottner 41 Ries, Mary Lou Jean M. Albers
Flannery, Rita Theresa Mrs. D.McIlhon
Scalise, Carl Herbert x
Fleming, Leroy Thomas x
Scalise, Mary Margaret Nellie Lavia
41 Frakes, Harry Daniel Dan McIlhon 41 Schneider, Elizabeth Hulda Mrs. G. Fehn
41 Fries, Thomas Walter Gerald Harry Richards 43 Schrodt, Margaret Frances C. Wiedman
41 Gary, Theresa Anne Mary O'Hara 42 Schrodt, Mary Jane Rose Thecla Schrodt
Gillespie, Faye Mary x 42 Sheehan, Elizabeth Marie Cecilia Sheehan
Gillespie, James Joseph Leo Meng
Smith, James Edward George Fehn
41 Gottner, Donald Michael Mr. H. McMichael 41 Smith, Richard C. Joseph C.J. Smith
42 Gottner, Mary Jane Lucile Mrs. A. Anderson
Tiernan, Kenneth Eugene Roy Hockett
Gray, Jacqueline Marie Cecilia Galantine 41 Volz, William Henry Paul Mrs. W. Fitzgerald
43 Groom, Jerome Paul Hugh McGivern 43 Warren, Patricia Mary T. McGlynn
41 Hafner, Rosalie Marie Mrs. R. Wurger
Wieland, James Francis C. Gradoville
41 Hay, Donald Eugene Robert Nemmers 41 Wood, Colleen Marie Mrs. W. Smith
42 Hay, James D John Joseph Kaskie 42 Young, Darlene Catherine L. Proudfit
42 Holland, John Joseph Carl Hoffman 42 x x x
May Crowning, May 1934
This picture contains members of the 1941 All Saints Graduation class when they were first graders.
May Crowning; May, 1934
1st Row X, Mary Lou Ries, Ruth Anderson, X, Elizabeth Sheehan, X, X
2nd Row X, X, Genevieve Kordick, Kathleen Volz, X, X, Marcella Jamison
May Crowning, May 11, 1941
Photo: compliments in memory of Maryann Fehn by daughter, Pam Pertzborn
May Crowning; May 11, 1941
1st Row Ruth Anderson, Maryann Fehn, X, Mary Ann Meng, X, Betty Schneider?, Colleen Wood, Mary Lou Ries, Jeanne Anderson. Queen is Rosalie Hafner.
2nd Row first graders: to be identified later
Graduation; June 1, 1941
Photo: compliments in memory of Maryann Fehn by daughter, Pam Pertzborn
Graduation; June 1, 1941
1st Row Mary Ann Meng, Mary Lou Ries, Patty Boatwright, Evelyn Imes, Jeanne Anderson
2nd Row Theresa Gary, Rosalie Hafner, Maryann Fehn, Colleen Wood, Phyllis Davitt, Betty Schneider
(Potential list of) Names of Graduates
Boys: Fred Aiken (Ankeny), William Fitzgerald, Thomas Walter Fries (NHS), Donald W. Gottner, John Graf, Donald Hay, Laurence J. "Jim" McMichael, James Vincent Meng, Phillip Anthony Meng (graduated from Holy Trinity), James F. Powers?, John R. Rassmussen (graduated from Visitation), Donald A. Senn, Richard C. Smith, Francis T. Tiernan, John T. Tynan, William Henry Volz
Girls: Jeanne Anderson, Ruth Anderson, Madonna Patricia Boatwright Serpento, Phyllis Davitt Bell (to Washington, D.C.area)?, Maryann Fehn Pertzborn; Theresa Gary Engle, Rosalie M. Hafner Grassman, Margaret Hankins, Evelyn "Red" Imes Giudicessi, Mary Ann Meng, Mary Lou Ries Morrissey, Elizabeth "Betty" Schneider, Colleen Wood
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Richard Martin Andrews; Des Moines, IA Roy H. Brede; Medford, WI Kenneth K. Brown "The Fang"; Needham, MA Nevin George Bowser; Wilmette, Illinois Richard Lee Stalcup, North High Class of January, 1949 Robert Lee Gates; North High Class of June, 1949 Robert David Long, North High Class of June, 1949 Deane Gordon Nelsen; North High Class of January, 1949 Theodore Leroy Hatfield; North High Class of June, 1949 Ronald Clair Hartman, Cedar Rapids, IA Therese Lydon Father James C. Maher John R. Rasmussen Donald D. Mitchell Donald Gottner? Richard C. Smith Joe Kaskie Patty Boatwright Mary Ann Rasmussen Laurence J. "Jim" McMichael John Henry Nemmers Bill Volz Phyllis Davitt? Jim Powers John McGuire Thomas Walter Fries? Mary Lou Ries Ruth Anderson Jim Smith Mary Ann Meng Colleen Wood Betty Schnider Maryann Fehn Mary Lu Ries Jeanne Anderson Peggy Zaun? Charles Fargo