Class of 1953
(names of deceased in bold blue font)
First Communion; May, 1946
Photo: compliments of Susan Tamse
First Communion; May, 1946
1st Row Elaine Webb, Janet Millett, Susan Tamse, Paula Ann Stutsman, Kathleen "Kay" Ann Norton, Gloria J. Fargo, Katherine "Kay" Louise Kircher, Ann Louise Boyd, Donald Davis, John Walsh
2nd Row Steven J. Penisten, Joseph "Joe" E. Webb, X, Michael J. Harden, Rosann Glas, Sharon Quinn, Nancy Gillespie, X, David Forst, Michael F. Seeburger, X
3rd Row Roger Craig, Harry Mooney, X, X, X, Cecilia (Sis) Mulanix, X, Richard Joseph "Joe" Brafford, Fred Katzureck, X, Michael Edward Couch
4th Row Sister Marie Celine, Arthur "Art" James Senn, tall boy X, Father James Cronin Maher
5th Row Altar Boys: Richard James Dice, George Cervetti, William "Billy" Radnich, Ernest Glas
Confirmation; 19?
Confirmation; 19?
Bishop Bergan officiating.
1st Row names
2nd Row names
3rd Row names
4th Row names
May Crowning, May, 1946
This picture contains members of the 1953 All Saints Graduation class when they were first graders.
May Crowning; May, 1946
Front: Donald Davis, Elaine Webb, Janet Millett, John Walsh
2nd Row Children: Kathleen Norton, Steven J. Penisten, Crown Bearer: Linda Craig, Trainer Bearer: Thomas Glas, Gloria Fargo, Michael Edward Couch
3rd Row Children: David Forst, Ann Boyd, Rosann Glas, Joseph Webb, Susan Tamse, Joseph Brafford, Paula Ann Stutsman, Art Senn
Back Rosemary Catherine Martin, Katie Richards, Jackie Fettkether, Queen Charlene Young, Marilyn Coultas, Katie Warren, Patty Brown
Others Place your mouse over the younger children, some of whom I have identified.
May Crowning, May, 1953
Photo: compliments of Susan Tamse
May Crowning; May, 1953
Center Crown Bearer: Jean Tamse, Queen Susan Tamse, Train Bearer: Frank Glas
1st Row Children at altar rail: X, X, X, X, X, X,
2nd Row Children: to be identified (first graders who graduated in 1960)
3rd Row Children: to be identified (first graders who graduated in 1960)
Random Other children identified when you place your mouse over their faces (rollovers)
Women Terry Daly, Gloria Fargo, Kay Kircher, Ann Boyd, Sharon Quinn, Rosann Glas, Sharon McGrath, Rose Marie Lavia, Kay Norton, Christine DelPrado
All Saints Catholic School
Class Will of 1953
By Terry Daly
2014: deceased in blue font
We, the members of All Saints Class of 1953, being of sound mind and good judgment, do hereby ordain and bequeath this will and testament as our last gesture as eighth graders to the seventh graders:

Mike Harden wills his ability to get into trouble to Joe Pascuzzi and John Howard.
Kay Norton wills her pony tail to Marilyn Sestini.
Christine Del Prado leaves her deportment grades to Marilyn Redick.
Jerry Arlaud leaves his bubble gum to Philip Gruenwald and James Barrett.
Jackie Karpan bequeaths his arithmetic book to Jimmy Holland.
Kay Kircher leaves her quietness to Carolyn McMurray and Marie McCoy.
Joe Brafford leaves his pencils to John Walsh, who is never seen with one of his own.
Sharon Quinn leaves her gracefulness to Kay Doud.
Rose Marie LaVia leaves her billfold to Carol Glynn.
Ann Boyd wills her seat at the Hiland to Connie Davis.
Fred Katzureck leaves his back seat to Mike Foggia.
Gloria Fargo bequeaths the Honor Roll to Patty Flaherty and Mary Lou Ann LeWarne.
Tommy Wyman gives his tallness to Tom Penisten and Tom Zaun.
David Forst leaves his art to John Murphy and Don Davis.
Joe Webb wills his ability to jump fences to Tommy Glas.
Mickey Seeburger leaves his seat behind Sharon McGrath to Art Senn.
Sharon McGrath leaves all her boyfriends to the Seventh Grade Girls.
Steven Penisten leaves his shyness to Mike Glas.
Susan Tamse leaves her good nature to Mary Etta Quinn.
Roger Craig bequeaths his birds-eye view of sister to Mike Brafford.
Rosann Glas leaves her hobbies to Linda Craig.
Mike Couch leaves his sense-of-humor to John Murphy and Jerry Farrell.
I, Terry Daly, will my lovely deportment grades to my sister, Joan Daly.

All the eighth graders leave the fun and good times they have had at All Saints School to the coming eighth graders with the hope that all of them will use well and wisely their opportunities as we hope we have.
All Saints Catholic School
Prophecy - Class of 1953
By Gloria Fargo
The year is now 1966. I have attained my long time ambition of living in Minnesota, although the circumstances are not those I would ordinarily choose. You see my husband and I run the Minnie Ha-Ha Hilarious Home, better know as the Minnesota State Asylum for the insane. We had just begun working here about two years ago, and the first patient we met was Ann Boyd, who had a very interesting hobby of making little animals and people out of chewed chewing gum and then selling them to the other patients for the price of a gum wrapper. I had just begun to meet the other patients when who should I see but Sharon McGrath, who was an attendant. She said that she took the job to be near her hubby, Jerry Arland, who I found out was a very sick man. All he did was climb around in trees and eat bananas. He thought he was a monkey. The next person I met was Roger Craig, who is a regular visitor here to see his fiancee Terry Daly, who I am not a bit surprised to think that she is Longfellow. As I went down to the basement, I met the janitor Joe Webb. He thinks he is the King of England, so we just humor him. He told me he has been secretly in love with our chief cook and bottlewasher Kay Norton for a long time, but she just doesn't care for him. I then went to meet the rest of the patients, as we call them "the nuts." In Ward A, Room 261, whom should I meet but Mickey Seeburger and Sharon Quinn, whom I will take time out to say have been happily married for 6 years. They get along just fine together. They both think that they are parakeets. All they do is sit in their cages and chirp to each other. And then I went onto Ward D, where I met Fred Katzureck and David Forst. They both said they hated women and would never get married. By the way, I might mention the reason they are here. They are both under the impression that they are airplanes. They are always jumping off the roof and breaking a leg or arm. I then went to the supply room where to my great surprise there was Tommy Wyman. He was a bookkeeper and treasurer for the home. (It was then I recalled how he loved Arithmetic.) He told me that he liked his job very much and hoped to remain there until he was 163. He now believes he is 132, so we just go along with that and everyone calls him "Grandpa." I then went into the attic and there was Rose Marie LaVia who was trying to count the stars. She now had the grand total of 4. She told me that she and her husband, Steve Penisten, were both interested in studying the sky. Steve was out on the roof with a 12 inch ruler trying to measure how far he would have to jump to get to the moon. I proceeded to the garden where whom should I meet but Susan Tamse. She told me she and her sweetheart, a tall mysterious boy from Minneapolis, were both insects. She said that she was a lightening bug and he was a caterpillar. The only trouble was she came out at night and he came out during the day. I went into the garage and met the mechanic, Jack Karpan. He said that he would have married, but he never found the right girl. He said he was in love with his car, which I noticed was a 1953 Cadillac convertible. I started into the house again and who was sitting on the porch but Rosann Glas. She was married to Mike Harden, M.D., and she said that she was a trained nurse. Mike was a veterinarian. She said they never saw much of each other as she took care of nuts and he took care of horses and dogs. On the back porch I met Joe Brafford, who told me he was a cat and was going to marry a little kitty named Christine Del Prado, who was now a singer and tap dancer on the Canadian Barn Dance every Saturday night. I then went into the dining room and the maid and butler, Kay Kircher and Mike Couch, whom I mention are Mr. and Mrs. Mike Couch, who served a wonderful supper of fried cateyes and stone biscuits. For dessert we had a lovely burnt chocolate pudding and a stale cake.

Well, in the short time of two days I had met and greeted almost all of my old classmates of '53 at All Saints. As I said, this all took place two years ago and I am now settled and know most of the patients very well. I will end this by saying it was a lot of fun to greet all of my school friends once more.
Graduation; June, 1953
Photo: compliments of Rosann Glas McCullough
Graduation; June, 1953
1st Row Sharon Quinn, Sharon McGrath, Rosann Glas, Rose Marie Lavia, Christine DelPrado, Gloria J. Fargo, Kathleen Ann Norton, Kay Kircher, Ann Louise Boyd, Theresa Daly, Susan Tamse
2nd Row Michael F. Seeburger, Roger Craig, Michael J. Harden, Steven J. Penisten, Michael Edward Couch, Joseph E. Webb
3rd Row Father James Cronin Maher, David Forst, Fred Katzureck, Thomas Wyman, Richard Joseph Brafford, John "Jack" Karpen, Father Frederick W. Reece, Jerry Arlaud, Sister Marie Celine
(might be potential) Names of 1953 graduates
Boys: James H. Bartusek (DNG)(1953grad), Richard Joseph Brafford, Michael Edward Couch, Roger Craig, David Forst, Michael J. Harden, Fred Katzurek, Steven J. Penisten, Michael F. Seeburger, Arthur James Senn, Jr., Thomas Wyman, John "Jack" Karpan
Girls: Ann Louise Boyd, Theresa Daly Peterson, Christine DelPrado Pomeroy, Gloria J. Fargo, Nancy Gillespie, Rosann Glas McCullough, Katherine Louise Kircher Griffin, Rose Marie Lavia Williams, Tony Liguori (DNG), Cecilia (Sis) Mulanix, Kathleen Ann Norton Mark, Sharon Quinn Driskill, Paula Ann Stutsman Michael or Michel (DNG) (NHS), Susan Tamse Betsinger. Angels at 1946 First Communion were John Walsh, Donald Davis, Elaine Webb, and Janet Millett
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Richard Martin Andrews; Des Moines, IA Roy H. Brede; Medford, WI Kenneth K. Brown "The Fang"; Needham, MA Nevin George Bowser; Wilmette, Illinois Richard Lee Stalcup, North High Class of January, 1949 Robert Lee Gates; North High Class of June, 1949 Robert David Long, North High Class of June, 1949 Deane Gordon Nelsen; North High Class of January, 1949 Theodore Leroy Hatfield; North High Class of June, 1949 Ronald Clair Hartman, Cedar Rapids, IA Virginia Boyd Rosann Glas Steven Penisten Kathleen Norton Michael Couch Paula Stutsman? Donald Davis Sue Tamse? Joseph P. Glas Janet Millett