Class of 1954
(names of deceased in bold blue font)
First Communion; May, 1947
Photo: compliments of Fran Senn Swesey
First Communion; May, 1947
1st Row Tom Penisten?, Nancy Jane Dugan, Tom McNulty?
2nd Row Jan Millett, Bernard Strittmatter, Linda Craig, Glenn Irelan, Tom Zaun, Fran Senn, Tom Penisten, Mary Le Warne, Tom Glas, Sharon Putney, Angel Mary Kay Dice
3rd Row Patricia Flaherty, Donald Davis, James Barrett, Rose Marie LaVia, John Piper, X, Jim Holland?, Mary Etta Quinn, X
4th Row X, X, John Walsh, Cecelia Sanders, John Murphy, Carolyn McMurray, Jerry Farrell?, X
5th Row Richard L. Comito?, X, Mike Brafford, X
6th Row Jerry Sparks?, X, X, X, X, X
7th Row X, Dick Zaun?, X, X
8th Row Sister Marie Celine, Bill Brewer, George Cervetti, Father James Cronin Maher
Confirmation; 19?
Confirmation; 19?
Bishop Bergan officiating.
1st Row names
2nd Row names
3rd Row names
4th Row names
May Crowning, May, 1947
This picture contains members of the 1954 All Saints Graduation class when they were first graders.
Photo: compliments of Jacqueline Senn
May Crowning; May, 1947
1st Row Crown Bearer Janice Stoner, Queen Wilhelmina Smith, Chris Lamberti
2nd Row Children: Tommy Penisten?, Donald Davis
3rd Row Children: X, Sanders?, Patricia Flaherty, Cece Sanders, X, Tom Zaun, Sharon Putney
4th Row Frances Cervetti, X, X, Carolyn McMurray, X, Tom Zaun, X, Carmen Davis
5th Row Charles McMichael, Jacqueline Senn, Jeri Lea Jerome, Jack Francis Leonard
Various Children: to be identified. Probably would have graduated from All Saints in 1954.
May Crowning, May, 1954
Photo: compliments of Janet Millett Hummel
May Crowning; May, 1954
1st Row Linda Craig, Janet Millett, Frances Senn, Joan Daly, Queen Patricia Flaherty, Elaine Webb, Marilyn Sestini, Kay Ryan, Carol Ann Kennedy, Marilyn Redick. Train Bearer: ?, Crown Bearer: ?
2nd Row Marie McCoy, Mary Lo Ann Le Warne, Cecelia Sanders, Carolyn McMurray
3rd Row Connie Davis, Daleth Sparks, Mary Jane Monson, Mary Etta Quinn, Carol Glynn, Kay Doud
Class of 1954
President Mike Brafford
Vice-President John Walsh
Secretary Patricia Flaherty
Treasurer Jerry Farrell
Class Flower Red Rose
Class Colors Red and White
Patron Saint St. Michael
Motto My Jesus, Mercy
All Saints Catholic School
Class Will of 1954
By Daleth Sparks
2014: deceased in blue font
We, the members of All Saints Class of 1954, being of sound mind and good judgment, do hereby ordain and bequeath this will and testamony as our last gesture as eighth graders to the seventh graders:

Jimmy Holland leaves his mimicry to Don Searcy.
Don Davis leaves his faithful joke book to Mike MeElwee.
Tommy Zaun leaves his happy-to-luckiness to Janice Stoner.
Linda Craig bequeaths her cheerleader outfit to Beverly Ostwinkle.
Tommy Penisten leaves his small seat to George Lynch.
Janet Millett leaves her faithful notebook to Nancy Dugan.
Marie McCoy bequeaths her faithful bubble gum to Barbara Balducchi.
James Easley leaves his cherished arithmetic book to David Easley.
John Walsh leaves his red hair and freckles to Dennis Kennedy.
Tommy Glas leaves one of his many pencils to Mike McElwee.
Patty Flaherty bequeaths her intelligence to Barbara Snyder.
Mike Brafford leaves his famous personality to Dennis Kennedy.
Mary Etta Quinn leaves her quietness to Richard Del Prado.
Jerry Farrell bequeaths his trombone to Patty Feeley.
John Howard leaves his front seat to Carolyn Pascuzzi.
Marilyn Sestini leaves her beloved camera to Judy Buckroyd.
Mike Glas leaves a few of his numerous pencils to Richard Del Prado.
Mary Jane Monson leaves her drawing tablet to Beverly Ostwinkle.
John Murphy leaves his Ad-Altare-Dei medal to Bob Stessman.
Elaine Webb leaves her generosity to the coming 8th graders.
Cecelia Sanders leaves her bag of peanuts to Mary Lou Cunningham.
Mary Lo Ann LeWarne leaves her many varities of horse pictures to Chris Lamberti.
Carol Ann Kennedy leaves her unsmiling smile to Mary Lou Meyer.
Joan Daly leaves her "gift of gab" to Barbara Balducchi who does pretty good anyway when wound up.
Art Senn leaves his elevator shoes to Chris Lamberti.
Fran Senn leaves her old flames to the coming 8th grade girls.
Kay Ryan leaves her one time seat behind Mike Foggia to Mary Lou Cunningham.
Mike Foggia leaves his pop bottles to anyone interested.
Connie Davis leaves her place on the board and the seat she always walks away from to Janice Stoner.
Marilyn Redick leaves her good disposition to the coming 8th grade.
Joe Pascuzzi leaves his basketball triumph to the coming 8th grade boys.
Carol Glynn leaves her one-time pony tail to Helen Hackley.
Kay Doud leaves her place in the choir loft to Linda Senn.

I, Daleth Sparks, do hereby leave a lifetime ticket to All Saints School to anyone interested.

All the eighth graders leave the fun and good times they have had at All Saints School to the coming eighth graders with the hope that all of them will use well and wisely their opportunities as we hope we have.
All Saints Catholic School
Imagine - Class of 1954
By Mike Glas
Imagine Marie McCoy having Carolyn McMurray's figure.
Imagine Mike Foggia getting a one in arithmetic.
Imagine Cecelia Sanders being a school teacher.
Imagine Tom Zaun being six foot eight (6'8").
Imagine Linda Craig without a violent temper.
Imagine James Easley getting on the honor roll.
Imagine Jerry Farrell being four feet tall (4').
Imagine Mary Jane (Monson?) not liking Buddy Stright.
Imagine Tom Glas hating Mary Lou Meyer.
Imagine Elaine Webb being a great pianist.
Imagine Mike Brafford liking Mary Etta Quinn.
Imagine Mary Etta Quinn being a great star and in the movies like Marilyn Monroe.
Imagine John Walsh being as white as a snowflake.
Imagine Joan Daly keeping her mouth shut when Sister is talking.
Imagine Don Davis every being quiet.
Imagine Carolyn McMurray being any thinner. She would look like a toothpick instead of a matchstick.
Imagine John Murphy keeing his mouth shut.
Imagine Mike Glas keeping quiet like John Murphy.
Imagine Janet Millett sitting in the show with James Easley.
Imagine James Holland dating Kay Doud.
Imagine Patty Flaherty not knowing how to do arithmetic.
Imagine Tom Penisten not going fishing.
Imagine James Barrett getting a zero.
Imagine Carol Glynn sitting with Mike Foggia.
Imagine Art Senn with curly hair.
Imagine Mary Lou Ann (?) not liking horses.
Imagine Carol Ann Kennedy not coming to school with her hair pinned.
Imagine Kay Ryan not griping about her hair.
Imagine Daleth Sparks going to the show with James Holland.
Imagine Marilyn Sestini keeping her mouth shut.
Imagine John Howard driving a car.
Imagine Connie Davis being quiet.
Imagine Marilyn Redick being a loud mouth.
Imagine Joe Pascuzzi not playing basketball.
Imagine Frances Senn without her dimples.
Imagine Kay Doud being as skinny as Carolyn McMurray.
Imagine Connie Davis and Jerry Farrell not being able to get out of their seats.
Graduation; June, 1954
Photo: compliments of Janet Millett Hummel
This was the largest class to graduate from All Saints from 1928-1954.
Graduation; June, 1954
1st Row Cecelia Sanders, Frances Senn, Janet Millett, Mary Lo Ann Le Warne, Marilyn Redick, Linda Craig, Joan Daly, Elaine Webb, Kay Ryan, Marie McCoy, Pat Flaherty, Mary Jane Monson
2nd Row Carolyn McMurray, Carol Ann Kennedy, Connie Davis, Marilyn Sestini, Daleth Sparks
3rd Row Carol Glynn, Mary Etta Quinn, Jimmy Holland, James Barrett, Mike Glas
4rd Row Tom Penisten, Tom Zaun, Don Davis, John Walsh, Tom Glas, Kay Doud
5th Row John Murphy, John Howard, Joe Pascuzzi, Mike Foggia, Mike Brafford, Sister Marie Celine
6th Row Father James Cronin Maher, James Easley, Art Senn, Jerry Farrell
Current list of names of 1954 graduates and/or potential graduates
Boys: James Putsiere Barrett, T. Michael Brafford, Donald Davis (DSM), James C. Easley, Gerald Thomas Farrell, Michael Samuel Foggia, Charles Michael Glas, Tommy Glas, Phil Gruenwald(no), James J. Holland, John V.Howard, Glenn Irelan(no), John J. Murphy, Joseph Pascuzzi (Las V), Tommy Penisten (DSM), John Piper, Arthur James Senn (DSM), Raymond Wheeler, John Walsh (PA), Tom Zaun (DSM)
Girls: Sally Cervetti(no), Linda Craig Martin, Joan Daly Walsh, Connie Davis Pascuzzi, Kay Doud Easter, Patricia Flaherty Halsey/Hethershaw/?(May Crowning)NV, Carol Glynn Bourdon, Carol Ann Kennedy Steffen, Mary Lo LeWarne Miller, Marie McCoy, Carolyn McMurray, Janet Millett Hummel, Mary Jane Monson Vitalis, Sharon Putney Eastman, Mary Etta Quinn, Marilyn Redick Farrell, Kathleen Ryan Kopatich, Cecelia M. Sanders Acri, Frances E. Senn Swesey, Marilyn Sestini Mulloy, Daleth A. Sparks Pullano, Judy Rossiter(moved), Elaine Webb. Softball team: Pat Flaherty, Frances Senn, Mary Lo LeWarne, Elaine Webb, Cece Sanders, Kay Ryan, Jan Millett, Connie Davis
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Richard Martin Andrews; Des Moines, IA Roy H. Brede; Medford, WI Kenneth K. Brown "The Fang"; Needham, MA Nevin George Bowser; Wilmette, Illinois Richard Lee Stalcup, North High Class of January, 1949 Robert Lee Gates; North High Class of June, 1949 Robert David Long, North High Class of June, 1949 Deane Gordon Nelsen; North High Class of January, 1949 Theodore Leroy Hatfield; North High Class of June, 1949 Ronald Clair Hartman, Cedar Rapids, IA CeCe Sanders Patricia Flaherty Donald Davis? Tom Zaun Tommy Penisten? Cece Sanders?